Christina Cardinale

Christina Cardinale's Fundraiser

I am running 26.2 miles in honor of the Danny Did foundation, to raise epilepsy awareness Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP). image

I am running 26.2 miles in honor of the Danny Did foundation, to raise epilepsy awareness Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP).

Join me and help make a difference, please donate today.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$200 towards $1,000

Those that know me, you know running a marathon was a bucket list item I got to fulfill last year in Las Vegas. Those 26.2 miles were a struggle and one of the hardest things I have ever done. After my triumphant finish, I vowed to never run that far again.

So, why do another marathon? It isn't to prove to myself that I am physically strong enough to do another or to try to run this one faster. I am strictly running this for a few simple reasons. Chicago is where I was born, so it seems fitting for me to run in a place I still like to consider my home. But, more importantly, I want to raise awareness for the Danny Did Foundation. Their passion is to advocate for those with Epilepsy like my amazing son Dominic, who will turn 11 shortly after this race. Dominic has just began running and I want him to one day run a marathon, without fear of seizures or the stigma that having this condition means not living a full life.

Dominic had his first seizure in his sleep when he was 16 months old. We were fortunate enough to hear him struggling but terrified to learn that many fatal seizures occur during sleep. Since then, we have purchased a device to alert us if and when Dominic has another episode during the night. For most families, the cost of treating Epilepsy (multiple medications, diets, supplements, doctor/specialist/hospital visits, etc.) can be overwhelming. My goal is to raise enough funds to help a family purchase one of these potentially life saving devices.

Thank you,


About Danny Did Foundation

Founded by Chicago parents Mike and Mariann Stanton in 2010 after the sudden death of their four-year-old son Danny, the Danny Did Foundation's primary mission is to prevent deaths caused by seizures. The Foundation advances public awareness of epilepsy and Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP), strives to improve communication about SUDEP between medical professionals and families impacted by seizures, and advocates for the mainstream acceptance and use of seizure detection and prediction devices that may assist in preventing seizure-related deaths.

Epilepsy affects nearly 3 million people in the United States and 65 million people worldwide. One in 26 Americans will develop epilepsy during their lifetime. But what few people understand, including many people impacted by the disorder, is that seizures can be fatal. More people die as a result of seizures than from fires and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) combined. The causes of death can vary and include drowning, other accidents and status epilepticus (prolonged seizures). In addition, thousands of deaths occur annually from SUDEP, a fact that is little known and too rarely addressed in public and in medical circles. The name of the Danny Did Foundation originates from the last line of Danny Stanton's obituary, written by his dad: "Please go and enjoy your life. Danny did."