Patti Flynn

Patti Flynn's Fundraiser

Help prevent Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) for kids & families in need image

Help prevent Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) for kids & families in need

By supporting Team Danny Did at the Chicago Marathon!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$1,120 towards $2,000

My son has epilepsy, and at age 24 has had to consider his own mortality since discovering SUDEP which is Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy. Every night he goes to sleep knowing it may be his last due to nocturnal seizures causing choking or suffocation while sleeping. My family has enough resources to help him, but there are many who dont have those resources. One of the things that is part of the mission of the Danny Did Foundation is a grant program for those in financial need to get the monitoring devices that could save their lives in an instance where they have a seizure during sleep, that can alert caregivers. It allows for those times to be monitored. But they dont come free, unfortunately. And that is why I run for this organization, not only for awareness, but really to raise money to help other families who cant afford this potentially life saving technology. The motto of the Foundation is "Please Go and Enjoy your Life. Danny Did." and I want to give that chance to all those kids and families that dont have that sense of security that they can get with the monitoring devices.

As part of my fundraising activity I will match the first $500 with my own donation. So if i can get $500 donated, we will have raised $1000, and I will be half way to my goal! ****UPDATE**** We Did it! Thank you so much! Now lets get to $2000!!!