Jim Balis

Jim Balis's Fundraiser

Team Danny Did in the 2018 Bank of America Chicago Marathon image

Team Danny Did in the 2018 Bank of America Chicago Marathon

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$4,490 towards $5,000

I was first introduced to the Hearts and Hugs Fundraiser about 3 years ago and was immediately touched about the personal stories of struggle, strength and perseverance families like the Stanton's and others go through. The Danny Did Foundation (DDF) promotes awareness of children's epilepsy and sudden unexpected death from epilepsy (SUDEP), provides information to those with epilepsy and their families, and ensures that people suffering from the disorder across the world can receive proper help and care.

I immediately wanted to help in whatever way I could. Not having run a marathon before, I knew that if these families could endure the emotional journey put in front of them, then I could, at the very least, run the 26.2 miles and raise $5,000.

***The highest donation can decide the outcome of my facial hair. Whether you decide to shave it, fu manchu, goatee, or leave a 70's stache – I'll be waiting at the finish line for you to decide. I'd like to open up to all of you to raise money to this great foundation and decide the fate of my precious man beard.

'Please go and enjoy your life. Danny did.'

About Danny Did Foundation

Founded by Chicago parents Mike and Mariann Stanton in 2010 after the sudden death of their four-year-old son Danny, the Danny Did Foundation's primary mission is to prevent deaths caused by seizures. The Foundation advances public awareness of epilepsy and Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP), strives to improve communication about SUDEP between medical professionals and families impacted by seizures, and advocates for the mainstream acceptance and use of seizure detection and prediction devices that may assist in preventing seizure-related deaths.

Epilepsy affects nearly 3 million people in the United States and 65 million people worldwide. One in 26 Americans will develop epilepsy during their lifetime. But what few people understand, including many people impacted by the disorder, is that seizures can be fatal. More people die as a result of seizures than from fires and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) combined. The causes of death can vary and include drowning, other accidents and status epilepticus (prolonged seizures). In addition, thousands of deaths occur annually from SUDEP, a fact that is little known and too rarely addressed in public and in medical circles. The name of the Danny Did Foundation originates from the last line of Danny Stanton's obituary, written by his dad: "Please go and enjoy your life. Danny did."